De-ionization systems

Deionized water systems determine the chemistry of the process it is added to. Water deionizers are in-demand due to their exceptional capability of supplying decontaminated water when needed. This is a necessary feature since the level of purity in purified water degrades quickly.

Electro De-ionization

Our EDI plants include:

➜  MEA can design, build, and commission tailor-made and EDI plants.
➜  Our EDI (electro deionization) plants are built with conventional plate-and-frame arrangement EDI modules capable of treating several flows, to produce demi or ultra-pure water from Reverse osmosis permeate or Ion exchange demi-plants.
➜  Any additional equipment can be added on request.
➜  Any additional equipment can be added on request.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.