Dis-infection systems
MEA Water disinfection systems utilize various methods to attack and eliminate germs (fungi, bacteria), and viruses. The process of these systems differ from antiseptic kinds that disallow the spread of microbiological substances through various means, other than completely destroying them. Water disinfection acts as an essential element for the production of high quality water that is capable of being consumed, used throughout the house, or for other purposes.
We provide a complete range of water disinfection systems for various applications including
- Ozone generators.
- UV systems.
- Quantum Disinfection systems.
- Copper-Silver ionization system.


Disinfection of drinking water and waste water is critical to the protection of public health. All water and waste water systems should use some form of disinfection process to remove or inactivate microorganisms (pathogens) that can cause disease in humans and animals.
- Manufacturing
- Pharmaceuticals
- Catering
- Off-shore industries
- Swimming and leisure industry
- Ocean-going vessels (drinking water & ballast water)
- Drinking water industry
- Food and beverage production
- Wastewater treatment industry

MEA can offer both Medium Pressure, Low Pressure, and Low-Pressure Amalgam disinfection systems. MEA also offers Special Ultraviolet systems, offering clients an individually tailored service to solve the most complex of disinfection problems. Ultraviolet technology is used extensively in many industry sectors

MEA’s QD media is poised to become the new standard in tertiary wastewater disinfection, drinking water disinfection, cooling tower disinfection, stormwater disinfection, and many other types of fluid disinfection applications.
- Chemical-free, power-free, maintenance-free, and extremely cost-effective, Pulsar™ works as a final disinfection solution for all fluid applications on any scale.
- No power needed.
- No chemicals used.
- High flow rates and minimal contact time.
- Cost-effective
- Low maintenance
- Installation ease

- Highly effective regardless of water temperature or complexity of the plumbing system
- Outperforms chemical and oxidative alternatives in controlling waterborne pathogens
- Provides complete system disinfection within 48 hours
- Does not dissipate rapidly in hot water for lasting protection